Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Scarlet Letter Essay

Hawthorne uses very many themes in the Scarlet Letter to explain things, one that he uses is Good vs. Evil, and mainly uses it via his character Chillingworth. He uses Good Vs. Evil to describe how he at first is just another character in the story who is seen as good. But after long, when he is not the one who has committed sin, because he continuously tries to make Hester, who has committed sin, a public embarrassment. Although Hester Prynne is viewed by society as the most unlawful character, she is the most honest due to her willingness to admit that she was indeed an adulterer by wearing the letter "A" on her chest. This is showing that although she is viewed to be evil, she is actually good. Chillingworth, knowing of the affair, progressively becomes more and more dark throughout the story. Although he was the one who was wronged, he still is attempting to suppress Hester's life by potentially revealing who her other lover was to society. Hawthorne uses this to show Chillingworth's increasingly harsh evil while the person who has done something wrong, is not as evil because she admits to her mistakes.

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