Friday, December 13, 2013

Huck Finn Questions IV

1.) The Widow Douglas is Huck's mother-like figure who is very strict. He doesn't care that he's dead.

2.) Huck does things like throwing salt over his shoulder and spinning in circles after killing a spider.

3.) He does not care where he ends up as long as he can be with Tom Sawyer, and neglects unknowingly much of Christianity.

4.) He convinces that their separation in the fog was just a dream.

5.) He is seemingly stuck-up according to Huck

6.) No, because Huck does not realize the worth of money due to the way he was raised.

7.) Tom is much more adventurous than Huck whereas Huck is realistic and always one of several friends involved in Tom's schemes.

8.) Because highwaymen hole people up and burglars just break into houses.

9.) He doesn't understand religion and cannot grasp the concept of playing a harp in the good place.

10.) Because he calls a Sunday School picnic a gathering of rich A-rabs with exotic jewelry and diamonds.

11.) They robbed children at a Sunday School Picnic when he claimed that they were rich arabs and elephants.

12.) Because his dad would take it and use it to buy drinks

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Lincoln Inaugural Transcript Outline

1. Lincoln Takes Oath (again)
    a. Lincoln adresses the course to be pursued
    b. declares the shortened length
    c. States that he will progress positively during his four years
2. The Occasion
    a. Lincoln recalls the war
    b. War was harsh but inevitable
3. The People
    a. An eighth of the population was colored slaves
    b. Although government did nothing, Lincoln did
    c. The people who fought believe in the same things and share more similarities than they care to acknowledge
4. United States
    a. Lincoln will require the nation to bind together as one with other countries

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Trip Work

1. The speaker dies
2. Disapproving and more supportive of more independent types people
3. Everyone in the room is watching god do the work that is take life away
4. That it is inevitable and mournful but not avoidable
5. Madness, all, chain. Door society majority chariots valves
6. Independent 
7. That the loaded gun takes life away
8. Transcendentalist ideals

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

1-3 537

1.) Regardless that things die, life goes on and is an endless cycle.
2.) A hawk
3.) Life and the inability to die forever.

Scarlet Letter Essay

Hawthorne uses very many themes in the Scarlet Letter to explain things, one that he uses is Good vs. Evil, and mainly uses it via his character Chillingworth. He uses Good Vs. Evil to describe how he at first is just another character in the story who is seen as good. But after long, when he is not the one who has committed sin, because he continuously tries to make Hester, who has committed sin, a public embarrassment. Although Hester Prynne is viewed by society as the most unlawful character, she is the most honest due to her willingness to admit that she was indeed an adulterer by wearing the letter "A" on her chest. This is showing that although she is viewed to be evil, she is actually good. Chillingworth, knowing of the affair, progressively becomes more and more dark throughout the story. Although he was the one who was wronged, he still is attempting to suppress Hester's life by potentially revealing who her other lover was to society. Hawthorne uses this to show Chillingworth's increasingly harsh evil while the person who has done something wrong, is not as evil because she admits to her mistakes.