Monday, October 21, 2013

Walden Pond Themes

Henry David Thoreau write Walden to show how he believed that faith in ones self is more important than the neediness that everyone possesses. The general idea of what he did shows that this is true because when he could have a nice home with furnishings, he instead chooses to live in the wild with rotting planks of wood as structure for his home. He believes that self-reliance is extremely important and shows this by living on his own (on someone else's land) in the wilderness. He does however value friendship and socialization, but chooses not to associate himself with society in order to show that faith in yourself is all that is needed to survive. By living in the wilderness with only essentials, another them that is identifiable is the theme of simple life, and how it is sometimes favorable over waking up and having to deal with squabbling people on the way to work. Because by living I'm the wilderness with no other people to socialize with, people like that do not have to be dealt with.

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