Thursday, August 29, 2013

The World on the Turtle's Back Questions

4.) It is similar to Adam and Eve because there are two characters who want something different.
5.) Although the story says that the right-handed twin did as he should, and the left-handed twin is always angry, neither of them is ever depicted as good or evil. This shows that their different personalities is not frowned upon by the Iriquois, but the balance of them is welcomed.
6.) Iriquois people viewed nature as good and needing of balance. They viewed their gods as not evil or good but simply there to balance the creations of the other. They played lacrosse, and important crops were corn, beans, squash, and tobacco. In daytime, they have rituals that honor the right-handed twin. Through the daytime rituals, they thank the Master of Life, and at Night they dance and sing for the left-handed twin.
7.) Yes, i believe it reminds Native American people that they are here because the right-handed twin created them as balance on the Earth, and they should continue to plant crops .

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